

C. Brito Construction Co., Inc. and C.B. Utility Co., Inc. have been installing municipal utilities for 60 years. The companies perform a broad scope of work, ranging from pipeline spot improvement programs to highly technical, state-of-the-art installations.

Recent Work

Esplanade Drainage Improvements - Middletown, RI The Esplanade project involved construction of a riprap causeway, drilling & blasting of the seafloor and employing a team of divers to assemble steel flanges on lengths on 18” HDPE pipe, installation of a precast concrete structure underwater, backfilling the underwater trench with ballast stone and boulders, and removal of the causeway. C. Brito Construction Co., Inc. designed and fabricated two custom lifting mechanisms and developed specialized equipment to meet the ever-evolving challenges presented by 6 redesigns over the course of the project.

Narragansett Bay Commission - Combined Sewer Overflow Separation - Providence, RI C.B. Utility installed approximately 10,000 linear feet of PVC & reinforced concrete pipe and over 180 catch basins & manholes to create a dedicated storm drainage line separate from the existing CSO. The Work also required driving of steel sheets 35-feet in length with a crane-hung hydraulic hammer, which shored a cell large enough to make connections to an existing brick 60-inch diameter main and a series of 10-foot diameter manholes.

Metropolitan District - Farmington Ave. Water Main - Hartford, CT Farmington Ave. in Hartford is abundant in pre-existing, undetectable utilities, many of which are fiber optic lines serving the headquarters’ for numerous insurance corporations located there. C.B. Utility completed the installation of a 16” ductile iron water transmission main, which required a combination of shoring techniques such as steel sheeting, wood lagging and trench boxes to work safely within the spacial constraints. Vacuum excavation was utilized to navigate and tunnel through the congested subsurface conditions.

Flat River Road Sewer Improvements - Coventry, RI Work on the Coventry sewer system included the driving of hot-roll steel sheeting to create a shoring cell for installation of a pumping station footed 30-feet below grade, dewatering via drilling and installing deep wells and installing a two-stage wellpoint system. Pipeline work consisted of two force mains and a deep-cut gravity portion.


Operating primarily in Connecticut, C.B. Utility Co., Inc. and C. Brito Construction Co., Inc.’s natural gas division has been welding and fusing natural gas lines since the 1960’s. In 1966, C. Brito Construction completed a landmark job for the company and the industry at the time with the installation of a 20-inch gas main crossing under the Blackstone River in Providence, RI. Also during this time period, C. Brito Construction Co., Inc. crews installed most of the first natural gas lines to be installed in Burlington, Vermont. The gas division is comprised of licensed fusing technicians for HDPE pipe and welding for steel gas main installations. We utilize a diversity of methods, including open-cut and trenchless technology, to deliver to the Owner a system that minimizes any community interruption and is installed ahead of schedule.

As all of our fusers are certified for fusion of HDPE for natural gas systems, our ability to fuse large emergency bypass systems quickly and safely is unsurpassed.